Thursday, October 2, 2014

Adopting Gratitude as My Lifelong Attitude

Should, oops, okay, first word in my new blog and I already have to edit.  Gee whiz.  Make that, I have a need to call Monica at Aristacare to get my Dad's faces heet faxed to Sara at Total Hearing Care, LLC in Watchung at 908-756-5261 (f) and 908--756-5227 (p).  Instead, I am sitting here creating a blog which is based on my long practice of gratitude.

I am entirely grateful that the utter and complete exhaustion has abated in the last hour.  I am also grateful for all the $3.99 clearance items I found for my neighbor and friend.  Bargain shopper, I am.

Also grateful for my ingenuity in my Six Word Memoir posts from today and yesterday.  Today's was "Sleeping beauty who is pretty tired." and yesterday's was "Winsome. Scratch off tickets say otherwise."